Welcome to the "Host" page! Here, you can learn a little about what it means to be a host, what HOST expects from you, and how to join the program.
What is a host?
A host is someone who can host a college student in their home for a period of time.
What does the student need to provide?
Nothing. These students do not have the means to pay for their stay and should not be required to do so.
Chores should not be required. Hosts and students are welcome to come to an agreement, but the student shouldn't feel obligated to complete chores in exchange for their stay.
Who can become a host?
Anyone with a room (whether they own or rent) where the college student can have their privacy can become a host.
Due to transportation, hosts not near public transportation may not host as many students.
Can hosts set rules?
Absolutely. HOST is well aware that while these students are not paying for their stay, they are still living under someone else's roof.
Examples of house rules that could be set are:
No smoking in the house​
No visits after X o'clock
Appliance use
Music volume
What does the host need to provide?
The minimum a host is required to provide is a closed room with a bed, a shared or private bath, and access to the kitchen.
The host is welcome to provide more, but it isn't necessary.
How does one become a host?
Attend an information session. These sessions (which switch between in-person in the HOST office or through a Zoom meeting) go through the process in more detail. These meetings will also provide potential hosts with a place to ask all their questions. If the person is still interested in hosting, then the program coordinator, Libby Stephens, will send them an email with how to proceed.